Sunday, August 1, 2010

It's Outta Here!


Jackson's loose tooth came out..... We were at a friends house for a BBQ and he was talking about his tooth. Matt told him to just try to leave it alone and wait for it to come out on it's own. A little while later Jackson comes up and says, in his very honest manner, "Dad I just did exactly what you told me not to do." Then he reaches in and pulls his tooth out of his mouth. I wonder if he put it back in hoping it would stay...... Anyway, he said he just pushed on it with his tongue and it came out so we told him it must have been ready so he didn't really disobey. Something that is quite common for him.
He was very excited to put it under his pillow that night. It led to a lively discussion (outright argument)between he and Maggie on the way home about what the tooth fairy looks like. I think in the end Jackson went with tiny and Maggie went with giant, pink fairy princess with wings.
He was very happy with the 4 quarters he found under his pillow to be added to his stash. We really need to start doing some kind of allowance and chose responsiblities around here.
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1 comment:

Luna said...

we have been discussing chores lately too!

And if you are int he mood for making something... I saw this cute idea for a tooth pillow. It has a little pocket in it for the exchange. It makes it easier for the tooth fairy to find the tooth.... no matter what her size might be!