Monday, December 3, 2007

Thanksgiving pic

The whole in-law gang over Thanksgiving. It was alot of fun to see everyone. It's been a number of years since we were all together - before any of the grandkids were born I think.

Playing in the snow on our Tday trip

Nice snow angels! It was funny to watch Maggie just flop down in the snow and lay there after she saw the others making snow angels.

Jackson with his two cousins - one is about 5 months younger and the other 9 months younger. It's fun to have them so close in age. They play a lot when they get together.

Maggie really enjoyed the sledding too!!

We love to play games!!

The kiddos love to play with all of our games. We are excited for them to get older so we can all play board games together. The in-laws are game crazy - apparently it's genetic!!

Backyard Fun

Sorry about the focus issues - kids in motion is not my strong photography skill...............

" Look what I can do!! I learned it from my brother............."

Some backyard fun while the weather was still reasonably nice. We have really loved having a swingset in our backyard. Well worth the investment - and thanks to Dad for building it.............!!

Snack Time

Jackson was having a great time making walrus teeth etc. with pretzels. It was so entertaining to watch Maggie try to imitate him......