Sunday, October 21, 2012


Before I forget I need to document Hailey's imagination lately. We have a large US map hanging up near the dining room table so we talk about different states fairly often. Hailey latched onto Texas for some reason. Now we hear stories about how she was a little girl in Texas. When we were at the studio to get her pictures taken awhile ago she pointed to a picture of the girl on the wall and said "that's me when I was in Texas". You can't persuade her any different. She had a school, a different mom and mean friends :) Sometimes she forgets the name and calls it the green state since that is the color of it on the map. At least a few times a week she makes comments about living in Texas. The other day she told Maggie she lived right by the big "S" of Texas..... Funny girl. This has been going on for a few months now.
I got some dollar store glasses and knocked the lenses out so the kids could use them for play. Maggie and Hailey wear the A LOT. More than I anticipated. They will wear them all day long. So odd but so cute! I guess I need to get another pair.....

Face painting

We got some face paints to use for Halloween so I thought I would "practice" on the kids. It would let them have it on more than once and we will probably just throw it out after Halloween. It probably has lots of scary ingredients in it that we wouldn't want to keep using anyway :) The kids loved it. I just worked fast....... Jackson is being a skeleton for halloween so his really was practice. Everyone else just wanted something painted, they didn't care what it was. Then they spent the next hour running, screaming from Jackson. All in good fun :)
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Monday, October 8, 2012

Ice Cream


We have this little ice cream place nearby that is open from April-October. They make HUGE sundaes for a really good price. In the pic above we have probably already eaten a third of it. It's one of our favorite places to go during the summer. I'm trying to take note of the little things so we can look back on our favorite things when we move again someday :)
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Here is Hailey eating a fresh tomato from the garden. Both she and Caleb will do that.
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Grandma visits!

My Mom made it over for a visit with my sister a few weeks ago..... Sarah was only here a short time and we missed getting a picture with her..... sorry sis! It was great to see them. The kids absolutely loved it. We got some good visiting and projects into the short trip. We took Mom to the train so she could meet up with Sarah in DC for some of Sarah's work events and sight seeing. We were all sad to see them go. HOPEFULLY, we find a way to get together more often :)
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I will miss this funny girl when she startes PreK ( since this post is late..... she actually starts today) She is happy to go though. It's in the afternoon during Calebs naptime so she was pretty tired of being quiet at home while he slept and there were no friends to play with. She is always in some sort of costume.


This salsa is made from tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers from our garden. Next year we will have to grow onions and cilantro as well so we have a complete salsa garden! The kids love to help us cut everything up to make it. We call it a salsa party or a cutting party. All of them will eat some of it after they help make it. Fresh salsa is my favorite snack :)
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