Sunday, October 21, 2012


Before I forget I need to document Hailey's imagination lately. We have a large US map hanging up near the dining room table so we talk about different states fairly often. Hailey latched onto Texas for some reason. Now we hear stories about how she was a little girl in Texas. When we were at the studio to get her pictures taken awhile ago she pointed to a picture of the girl on the wall and said "that's me when I was in Texas". You can't persuade her any different. She had a school, a different mom and mean friends :) Sometimes she forgets the name and calls it the green state since that is the color of it on the map. At least a few times a week she makes comments about living in Texas. The other day she told Maggie she lived right by the big "S" of Texas..... Funny girl. This has been going on for a few months now.
I got some dollar store glasses and knocked the lenses out so the kids could use them for play. Maggie and Hailey wear the A LOT. More than I anticipated. They will wear them all day long. So odd but so cute! I guess I need to get another pair.....

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