Saturday, February 28, 2009

Little Miss Menace

Here are a few more photos of the little menace :0 She loves to get herself into precarious positions - Maggie and Jackson love to try to get her out of them...... it's not always a great combination! She is starting to stand up at things and thinks she is just the coolest kiddo ever when she makes it. She really likes the blue rocking horse we have - if you have little kiddos I definitely recommend one of these - it's Little Tikes (we found this one at a yard sale for $3 - every once in awhile I see them on Craigslist) Jackson and Maggie have also figured out that you can use it as a teeter totter - I will have to post a photo/video of that. It's pretty funny.
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Busy girl

As you can see little Hailey is a busy girl. She has been crawling for a few weeks now and is getting quite good at it. She wants to tackle the stairs but hasn't gotten that figured out yet.

She is into everything - especially whatever Maggie and Jackson have out. She wants to be a part of it all so badly. She is such a fun baby to be around. She has great smiles and gives kisses.

She had a ear infection a week or so ago and has been more irritable ever since. I know that's not a good sign - maybe that infection never quite cleared up...... but it's not slowing her down at all - it just causes problems with the whole sleeping thing. ugh.

Friday, February 20, 2009


We took our bubble machine outside with us the other day - bubbles last ALOT longer when it's cold. They kids had a great time trying to eat 'em, catch 'em, and pop 'em! It's so fun to watch kids learn through play.
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Picnic anyone?

Jackson said "Maggie, do you want to have a picnic with me? Here's your plate and here's an orange....." It was cute. They sat and had their snow picnic for awhile - choosing different bits of snow and naming it some kind of food.
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a late Valentine....

We were playing out in the snow the other day and the crust of the snow broke off in a heart shape - the kiddos were very impressed! So I took a few pics :) Hope your Valentine's Day was excellent!
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Saturday, February 14, 2009

and she's off!

Hailey is crawling! She is also chewing on EVERYTHING so it's not a fun combination! We have to keep the floor pretty clean which is next to impossible with the toys the other kids have. Especially Jackson's little legos. She also has an ear infection which brings back less than positive memories of poor Jackson's first two years.... :) Ah, well. At least we know what to expect this time around.

8 years!

Matt and I have been married just over 8 years now (Dec. 30th). He found some of our wedding pics the other day and scanned them in so I thought I would post a couple of them.... I think they are very cute. My friend Amanda did them for us - so she added a little personality :) Somewhere I also have one of me in my wedding dress with a basketball.... Anyway, I think she did an awesome job so if you are ever in need of a photographer in the Portland, OR area...... her website is
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