Sunday, August 15, 2010



This has been 95% done for weeks. I really don't know why it took me so long to finish it but here it is! It's a lot of fun to make birth announcements myself but I have such a hard time making decisions and commiting to the final product that I'm not sure if it's worth it.
Caleb is a very good baby. He sleeps really well but always wants to be held when he is going to sleep. He was doing a lot better but his two month shots threw him off. He weighed in at 14 lbs and was 25 in long. Such a big boy!! He smiles a lot now and holds up his head very steady. He also "talks" a lot. I remember thinking the other babies were so quiet and didn't coo like the books said they would. He does. Now I understand what it means. He makes so many noises when he is talking to us. It's very cute. He loves to be wrapped (swaddled) and when he is fussy it really calms him down. He likes to just hang out and look around while swaddled. He really stretches when you unwrap him though.

This move has been incredibly stressful. It makes me a little sad to be so distracted when Caleb is so small. I will have to remember to post about him more because I have a feeling I won't remember very much of this age if I don't. We have been here over 6 months now and I haven't adjusted to it anymore than at the beginning. I feel like we are here on an extended visit.
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1 comment:

Marissa said...

Such a cute announcement. Good job!