Wednesday, January 14, 2015

WA trip 3

We stayed with my parents for a week after the ocean part of the trip and did a lot of river swimming :) The water was pretty cold but once they got in and started playing they didn't really mind. We try to time our visits so we are there at the same time as some of my high school friends. It usually works out well and all of kids play while we get to visit. Especially now that the kids are getting bigger.
And look a picture of me..... that doesn't happen often..... but still no pics of the grandparents. Hopefully, this will help me remember to make sure I start to do that more often!
Jackson stayed behind for an extra week on his own with the grandparents this year. I think they all enjoyed it :) He loves to play video games with the older cousins - who are 15 -23 ish. They are great and make sure they play games that he can play too - like Minecraft. He had a good time with my parents and wants to do it again this year but maybe Maggie will take a turn...... we will see. My parents drove him all the way back down to us and we got to visit with them for a little while here in Utah.

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