Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Summer fun (and hives)

A whole lot of the above, led to a whole lot of the below. At least that's the best cause we could come up with. He has been sensitive to things before and has gotten hives a few times but it's been years since the last bout and none were as bad as this.
He was miserable. We treated it with benadryl and lotions, etc for about a week - then finally gave in and got a prescription from the doc. Which helped (short term) but made him have to go to the bathroom almost every hour of the night! They came back about 6 weeks later and again 6 weeks after that and then almost weekly for a few weeks though not nearly as bad. I think it just took forever for his system to regain control. He was tested for allergies and grass came back positive so this is my theory....... when they first started the slip 'n slide, it was too short and they were sliding onto the grass, I think all those little nicks combined with the soap they used to make is slick were just an awful combination.

He's been fine for the past month of so - other than small patches coming up if he itches or rubs for whatever reason. As we head into summer and grass exposure again we will see what happens.

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