Friday, April 1, 2011

Remeber when.....

I was looking through pictures the other day and ran across this one. I don't think I ever remembered to post it..... This is how our bedroom looked at the apartment whenever we had company. It was a two bedroom apartment so when people came to visit we would give up Maggie and Jackson's twin beds and have them come sleep in our room. They really didn't mind at all. It was pretty cramped but it doesn't really matter when it's just sleeping quarters. Like a tent :) This seems like so long ago already - it's been a whopping 4 1/2 months. I guess it's a good thing that it's a distant memory because I didn't like the apartment when we lived in it!! It really helped me realize what is important to me as far as family space goes though.
#1 on the list is outdoor space to play. I knew I missed it but I didn't realize what a difference it made it my mood to know that the kids could play outside.
#2 Family room - having a space big enough for the kids to play in without tripping each other was also greatly missed.
#3 Counter space in the kitchen......
Those were the biggest things I missed. Everything else was annoying but I could deal with it. There are several other things I really appreciate having again but I could live without. Those other three things have been upgraded to necessities I think :)

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