Thursday, April 7, 2011

April Fool's Day dinner

I love April Fool's day now that I have kids (and that some of said kids are getting a little older). This year I wanted to make a fun April fool's day dinner. Since the kids are still younger they are pretty easy to impress. I made these "cupcakes" from Family Fun. They are actually colored mashed potatoes on top of meatloaf. The kids really thought they were cupcakes at first. Matt actually loves meatloaf so he was more impressed by what they were than what they weren't :) The juice is actually jello. I put it into cups with straws and let it cool that way. When they tried to take drink it wouldn't come out easily at all. They loved being "tricked". We also put together funny things to eat with and then drew numbers to see who would have what. Oh - did I mention we were babysitting 4 more kids that night?? They thought this was pretty fun too. Someone had tongs to eat with, someone had a baby bottle to drink out of.......

1 comment:

Luna said...

cute idea!

We didn't really get to do much since that was nice the YW had their fundraising auction for Girls' Camp and since I am in the Presidency... It meant I was having a HUGE fundraiser that night. It turned out great.... bu I kinda wish I was having a fun dinner!