Saturday, April 16, 2011

A whole lotta help

Mom and Sarah came in for a few days to help me out - and help me out they did!! They got so much painting done. It was excellent. I am amazed at what other people get done when I feel like I'm going backwards all the time - every once in awhile when I am kid free I remember that I can do it too :) It was fun to visit with them and have them see the kids again. It's been a year - I think - since they have seen the kids. Other than Caleb - I took him up to WA when he just a few months old.
We were so busy (they were so busy) I didn't even get the camera out. That's terrible! (and now I can't even find it.....) We did a lot of decluttering and reorganizing also. The house feels much better - there is still a long ways to go but they put a serious dent in the to do list! The girls room is painted, the boys room is painted, the master bedroom is painted, part of the kitchen is painted.... whew!! Thanks guys - I love you :)

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