Sunday, April 24, 2011

Squirt guns


We gave Jackson these squirt guns for his birthday and finally let him use them the other day. We have had A LOT of cold and rainy weather recently. Enough that our roof started leaking. Lucky us. We have a ton of things to fix in this house.... fun and not so fun at the same time.
Anyway, back to the squirt guns. You hook the filler adapter up to the hose and then the guns click in to fill up. They fill up quickly -5 sec or so - and then they are pressurized so you can just hold down the trigger. These work great for Hailey who can't get a regular gun to squirt very well. They don't work amazingly well but since I got them on sale - they seem to be worth it. The kids like them. It's fun to break out the warm weather stuff :) It rains and rains and rains in the spring here so it will be hit and miss for the nice days. Oh and the grass in our yard is minimal. Mud prevails..... so I'm not sure how often we will be breaking out the sprinklers. After all the rain I think I will be happy to be mud free for a little while...... Hailey and Jackson might have other plans though. Those two love the muck and mud. Maggie usually stands by on the side and watches while the other two and knee deep. A literal MUD ROOM would be so excellent. Especially if it had a shower :)
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