Wednesday, September 8, 2010

We were all playing with baking soda and vinegar one day. This is a video of Maggie having fun with it. It's funny to me that she is so cautious about it. Sometimes she is incredibly brave and others times she is so very cautious. I wish I knew what she was thinking at those times. It was fun to do this with the kiddos. We also made baking soda bombs. This one was a little more involved but still fun to do. You put some baking soda in the middle of a paper towel piece, fold it so the baking soda doesn't fall out, put 1/2 c water and 1/2 c vinegar into a sandwich baggie. Hold the packet with baking soda inside at the top so you zip the baggie closed without the baking soda getting wet. Then take it to the bathtub and let the packet drop into the water/vinegar. You can shake it a little bit too. It will make the bag get big and then 'pop' not really explode. I love science experiments! If I homeschooled that would probably be my favorite part. I've read about people doing all kinds of science experiments with their halloween candy instead of eating it - maybe we will try that :)

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