Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tummy time and smiles


Caleb is starting to smile a lot now. It makes it easier to catch it on camera than the fleeting ones of a few weeks ago. I love the gummy baby smiles. It always makes me smile :) What a great pick-me-up!
He loves to look around. Look at him on him tummy! He actually prefers tummy time to being left on his back. We might have another one on the go early.

The blanket under him is a muslin one. It gets so hot here with the humidity that you sweat like crazy. Even his thin blankets weren't working. He wants to be swaddled almost all the time and it was just way too hot for his other blankets. I love these super thin muslin ones. The only complaint I have is how huge they are. I have to wrap them around him 2-3 times which takes a little away from the thinness!! But they are still better than anything else we have.

He is sleeping well at night but his schedule is still off. He sleeps from about 11 pm to 10 am. He wakes up to eat twice usually. He wakes up earlier if there is a lot of noise..... so the other kids usually watch a movie after they get up to keep things quiet. What a bad habit!! I need to get his schedule switched so I can go to bed earlier too. I really don't want to wake up at 6:30 when I go to sleep at midnight!!
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