Sunday, January 20, 2013


This is not what is looks like around our house right now.... this is all the snow from around Christmas. It has since completely melted..... We have a little hill in our backyard that the kids play on a lot but we thought we would go somewhere with a little more thrill for the bigger kids :) We just went to the kids school. It has some nice hills for thrills without being so big the kids (more so me)  whine about climbing back up it. Caleb absolutely loved it (he has some thrill seeker genes I think) but since we headed out just before nap time he didn't last long. He took refuge in the car with a movie and a juice box while the rest kept going.

Jackson was pretty excited that there was jump - jumps draw this boy like a magnet. Lucky boy to have a Dad that thinks said jump should be even bigger. I always tease Matt about being such a big brother :) Of course being the engineer he is he also outfitted the jump with a landing pad to soften the blow. It was a lot of fun. Made me miss the terraces we had for sledding when I was growing up.
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