Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas letter 2012


Here is our Christmas card and letter for 2012 that I mailed out. If you didn't get one.... I'm sorry! Email me your address and I will put you on the list for next year..... as long as you promise to send me one in return.
I love getting Christmas cards!
We just went to the kids school and took pics with our tripod. I had planned on something grander but was pretty proud of myself for getting something out on time :) There's always next year. The kids enjoyed it for the most part - well, they enjoyed the goofing around between attempts anyway.  When we got home I tried to take a few more with a picture frame. The older ones thought that was pretty funny - Caleb on the other hand would have nothing to do with it. We tried to get him in one by holding him there..... that pic didn't turn out very well :)

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1 comment:

carrie @ the boonie life said...

Cute card, Sheila! The design is adorable. I love getting Christmas cards, too. That is one of my favorite things about Christmas. Put us on your list for next year: P.O. Box 33 Ola, ID 83657. I can see yours on the bottom of your card, so I'll add you to mine. Cool. Have fun in the East!! :)