Monday, January 21, 2013

Potty talk

While I will save the pics for our family letters I wanted a write up about Caleb's latest milestone accomplishment.... the boy is potty trained! Not training - no pull ups, rare accidents, tells us when he needs to go... the boy is trained. He was by far the easiest of the 4 - it took two days :) Matt had gotten a couple of superhero T-shirts (Captain America and Superman) for Christmas and Caleb was one jealous boy. So I thought I would check and see if there were any little man ones in the Christmas sales. Sure enough.... so he now had Green Lantern, Batman, Superman.... these were all matching shirts and underwear. Since I had them I thought we would go ahead and give it a try. At first he treated them like costumes and kept changing from one to another. I didn't really think we would be successful so by the end of the first day I was close to giving up. Then that evening, he figured it out. He started running to the potty everytime - granted he was peeing right through his underwear but he was making it to the potty so I left it alone that night. The next day he was still doing awesome and starting to pull his underwear down :) I think he had one accident that day and only an occasional rare one since. That was about 10 days ago. He got really sick on the 3rd day but still kept up going on the potty. We are pretty proud of the little guy. This is our first time with (almost - he still wears them at night) no diapers in about 9 years!!

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