Monday, February 13, 2012



Not too long after the first dusting we got some more snow with a nice ice covering over the top :) The kids were all outside sledding. They started sledding down our upper driveway and stopping when they got to the pavement where the cars are parked. Matt had shoveled our driveway before too much ice had formed so it was completely clear - we have a REALLY steep driveway so we try to keep on top of clearing it off. Anway, the kids were having a great time and had no trouble stopping - almost every time :) One time Hailey went down and ending up going too far off to the side she went over and down the hill towards our neighbors house where she bounced off a tree and headed straight out their driveway!! Which was not shoveled and therefore completely covered in ice. She went right down and partway out into the road. I was running after her..... she was screaming...... I helped her up and she said "I don't like that creepy road. I don't want to do that again." She is still talking about the creepy road and it has been a few weeks I think.
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carrie @ the boonie life said...

Hey! So good to see your comment on my blog. Y'all are in Maryland? Whereabouts? How long have you been there? Your family is so cute!

John and Kami said...

I'm still laughing after reading this. Poor little Hailey :)