Monday, February 13, 2012



We got a dusting of snow one day and Hailey was so excited. She has been wanting to go sledding but we just haven't gotten any good snow. This was barely enough but we went for it anyway. She absolutely loved it. We have a little hill in our backyard that works really well for the little ones to sled down. Caleb loved it too. He loves to be outside. He gets so upset if the bigger kids go outside and no one takes him. He will start to run around and gather his boots and coat. Sometimes it drives me nuts because I can't have him wait 5 or 10 minutes. He wants to go NOW. I try having him wait a few minutes while I finish something up but it just means he is screaming and crying and pushing at my legs..... so outside we go :) Playing outside is more healthy than playing inside while I do chores anyway!
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