Sunday, February 19, 2012

Busy Day


Yesterday was a pretty busy day...... we had some family pics taken, played outside, went to the grocery store, had 6 additional kids over for dinner and playtime..... it wore this little guy OUT! He has finally switched to one nap but sometimes it's just not quite enough. He is also just getting interested in costumes and loves to play dressup when the bigger kids do. He has marker on his cheek because I let him draw with one while at the grocery store so he wouldn't scream in the cart..... worked wonders until I had to take it away because he was drawing on the groceries and himself - then he screamed. He fell asleep on the beanbag about 7 pm while all the kids were watching a movie :)
We have been trading babysitting with this other family for about a year now, I think. It has worked out really, really well. They are easy going and flexible just like we are. We have had more dates in the past year than we have in our first 10 years of marriage combined :)
I love that Caleb is in a spiderman costume but still has his pacifier and blankies. He is growing up so fast yet he is still so little.
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