Sunday, February 19, 2012

Pinewood Derby


The pinewood derby for Jackson's scout troop was at the end of January. We let each of the kids make a car - well, Caleb used Jackson's old car fom last year..... It's always fun to listen to them plan and anticipate their cars. We looked at pics of derby cars and they went from there. Jackson really wanted a tank so I helped him plan a shape, then I cut it out. He planned the colors and painted it. The girls wanted fancy cars of course. I had the idea to use hair and crowns - they thought that was excellent! They painted them and I helped add eyes and a mouth.
Unfortunately none of their cars were very fast. Hmmm. I'm doing something wrong. Their wheels wobbled a lot. I will have to look into it more for next year :) They all had fun but it was kind of long. They start to lose interest towards the end. Caleb was pretty excited when he got to give his car to the starter and then go get it at the finish line.
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