Tuesday, January 31, 2012


On Jan. 11th Caleb went in to get tubes put in his ears. We did that twice with Jackson so it wasn't a totally new experience. Caleb has had multiple ear infections recently and the fluid wasn't going away and antibiotics weren't really helping so in for tubes we went. The hospital let me go back with him to the OR and stay with him while they put him under. That was actually really nice. I knew he was going to scream and throw a huge fit if they took him away from me. He didn't cry at all. The doctors and nurses were way more worried about me. I think some parents tend to freak out a little...... I didn't - I was too relieved that it was going so smoothly without screaming and fit throwing. I was kind of amused by the nurses standing close to me, telling me it was ok, what to expect and constantly asking how I was doing. They said it was a lot harder on the parents to come back with the child but easier on the child. Personally, I think it was way easier on me too. Tubes don't take very long. After 15-20 minutes they came to get me so I could see him in the recovery room. He was awake and NOT happy. Coming off the anesthesia is by far the worst part of the whole experience. After they were sure he was fully awake I took him back to our room. He was still pretty fussy but starting to calm down. He drank the cup of juice they gave and a squeeze applesauce so after a little while they let us go. We got there at 6:30 am and left at 9:00. Overall it went really well.
He went from needed his blankie and pacifier constantly to just when he was tired that same day. It was pretty amazing. He is a much happier kiddo now. He is also talking a lot more. Kind of cool how something so simple can make such a huge difference.