Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Dance class



Way back.... just after Thanksgiving..... the girls finished their dance class. I wish I could say it was a success and they loved it :) Hailey either wasn't ready or wasn't interested. She seemed to enjoy it at times but for the most part she didn't follow instructions and the teacher had a hard time keeping her attention. I think she was the youngest in the class. Maggie liked it okay - but it wasn't what she expected. She wanted to learn real ballet dances and this was a creative movement class. She tends to be dramatic to get attention. Fallind down, being silly..... She had a hard time listening to the teacher also. In their defense, the class wasn't necessarily geared towards it's 3-5 yr old age group. At the final class we could all come in and watch. It was pretty much a disaster for us. Hailey was whiny and completely inattentive. Caleb kept screaming because he wanted out there with the girls so I had to take him out in the hall. Maggie kept being silly...... Whew. Sometimes they are well behaved and sometimes NOT. I think we will wait a little while and then, if Maggie is interested, we will try out a more traditional class. Dancing, singing, dressing up - those are her favorite things - and they have been for a long time so I would like to give her the chance to get into it a little more.... eventually :)
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