Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas Eve


On Christmas Eve we had our bigger dinner. Although it was just our family - we had ham, mashed potatoes, rolls, salad, corn..... Matt bought and apple pie and a chocolate mousse pie. Maybe someday I will make pies. After eating we opened presents that came from other people. I like opening presents Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. I think it makes it last longer.... :) My sister made a pillowcase for each of the kids. They were so excited to have their own special material - just look at their faces! We played with the presents and games until bedtime.
During the day (because I tend to put things off) I had the kids take turns wrapping presents for each other. They really loved that. I think it will have to be a new tradition. They might need to draw names to see whose presents they get to wrap. Maggie really, really likes choosing ribbons and bows to put on the presents. Then we would bring up the pile and put it under the tree. They thought it was pretty cool to see the pile grow bit by bit each time we brought some up. I was really happy that it was a laid back day. We had everything we needed so we wouldn't have to run to the store and I had wrapped almost all the other presents already. I did have to finish their hooded towels but there really wasn't much left.
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