Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2 1/2


Today Hailey is 2 1/2. This little one cracks me up. She has the best sense of humor and always loves to make people laugh. She is a true handful of personality. She is also one of the best at pushing my buttons :) She loves to give hugs, procrastinate bedtime, eat veggies, and play with Jackson and Maggie. She is excellent at sharing her snacks and other food and completely terrible at sharing any toys whatsoever!! She keeps us on our toes constantly. It's definitely not a good sign to have peace and quiet when Hailey is in the house...... she is a menace. Squirt bottles and anything that writes on anything always have to be out of reach. She is one smart little girl though and problem solves like none of our others. She is starting to talk a lot more and is putting sentences together. It's so funny to hear what she has to say. The other day at Lowe's it was {giggle, giggle} "Big belly!!" - as we walked by a guy with, well, a REALLY big belly. She giggled about it all the way down the next aisle. Attempts to keep her quiet are not received well...... She listens really well, most of the time, and LOVES, LOVES, LOVES to help. She is coming into an independent streak - when we ask her if she wants help with something she says "no. self." I absolutely love this little cutie and I look forward to the many challenging years ahead!! :)
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