We left all of our artificial trees behind with the move so we went with a real tree this year. It's so fun to decorate it with the kids. We have been collecting ornaments each year for each year that remind us of something they did/loved that year. They absolutely love to hang their own ornaments on the tree and talk about each one. Maggie has a sledding one from her 2nd christmas because she was a sledding fiend :) Jackson has a Jango Fett from his 5th christmas because he was a little obsessed with Star Wars and dressed up as Jango Fett for Halloween that year. Hailey has a ballerina from the year she and Maggie took a dance class together. Caleb has a spiderman from last year :) and a powerranger from this year. I'm working on getting them all into little picture books so we remember who got which ornmanent and when. It's already getting a little hard to recall!!
Hailey is playing with our two Lego Advent calendars. They LOVE these. Caleb and Hailey will play with them for an hour each day when we open new doors. A little hard to keep track of all the Lego pieces though. They are fairly well trained to keep them right with the calendar boxes...... :)