Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pittsburgh Zoo









For Jackson's 1st grade field trip they went to the Pittsburgh Zoo. It's a 2 1/2 hour drive!! They encouraged/requested that a someone come with each child so we decided that the whole family should go. Matt would have had to take a day off work to stay home with the others anyway.... so he drove the car with the three little ones while I rode the bus with Jackson. Poor Matt - Hailey threw up twice (she gets carsick) and Caleb screamed the last little bit. It was a fun day at the zoo though. The kids all loved seeing the animals and playing on the zoo playground. Somehow I missed getting a good picture of Jackson and I also missed a picture of the polar bear playing with a ball. I guess there's always next time.....
After we were done at the zoo we went and visited some old friends of Matt's. We have been doing that a lot out here. It's fun to be close enough to visit so many people he hasn't seen for a very long time. We played at their house for a few hours before heading home. It was a good day - even if we didn't get to fit in an IKEA stop like I wanted to :)
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