Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Busch Gardens




When the shuttle was cancelled - they were hoping they could reschedule it for Monday - so we decided to stay a day later than planned. Then the shuttle was pushed even further out so our extra day was spent at Busch Gardens :) The kids LOVED it!! We learned a few things though to make our next amusement park trip even more enjoyable. Jackson is tall enough to go on a number of bigger rides but to take him on them means the other kids are just waiting around and it takes a long time to walk around the park with everyone. He still likes the smaller rides so it would have worked out better to stay where there was smaller rides. The kids love water - anywhere, anytime. We should go to a very kid friendly water park - since they are also fearless.
We had a great time at Busch gardens. We also caught a few of the side shows the park put on. The kids were pretty impressed. Maggie fell asleep within seconds of getting into her carseat...... we pushed her pretty hard to keep up with us. She did a really good job. She was big enough to go on a couple of the bigger rides and I thought she might be a little nervous but she loved it!! Except the BIG roller coaster that went upside down..... she didn't want to do that one again. She wanted to do the drop one again and again with Matt though.
Gram and Papa came with us. It was nice to have a couple more adults around. They took Jackson on some rides and also watched the littler kids so Matt and I could take Maggie and Jackson. It would be a lot of fun to live close enough to a park to have season tickets. It's also much cheaper per visit that way :)
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