Friday, May 13, 2011

almost....... WALKING!!


For a little while now - Caleb will stay standing when you set him down. He will also let go of things and just stand there for a little while. The other day when Matt put him down he actually took a few steps!! It won't be long before he's on the go like the rest of them :) He crawls all over the yard already. His favorite thing to do is play in the sandbox. He also turns around to go down the little hill in our backyard.
When Jackson was little and cranky - you could fix anything by taking him outside. For Caleb - it's climbing the stairs. He LOVES to climb up and down, up and down the stairs. He's starting to go backwards now so he can do it fairly well on his own.

When we were taking pictures and videos of Caleb taking some steps the girls wanted in on the attention so they 'pretended' to walk and fall down too. They thought that was hilariously funny.
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