Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas ornaments


We have been getting the kids a new ornament each year. We try to get something that reminds us of them that year. Disney was having a sale on ornaments so that's where we got all of them this year.

Jackson - Perry the Platypus - When we were in the hotel at the beginning of the year, Jackson discovered the wonders of Phineas and Ferb. Matt and I kind of enjoyed it too :) He wanted to watch it constantly. TV was a revelation for them. I think I've talked about this before but they really had no idea what commercials were. At first they would get mad that their show was interrupted and they would ask me to fix it, then they started to ask for everything they saw.... whether it was for them or not. Jackson wanted me to color my hair at one point because the commercial made it sound so great :)

Maggie - This is her second year in a row for a princess. She is still all about princesses, and dress up. She wears a skirt or a dress almost EVERY. SINGLE. DAY! She watched Nutcracker ballet (the Barbie movie version) and she danced around like a ballerina for a long time. That would have been my second choice of ornaments :)

Hailey - She discovered the wonders of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She would ask to watch Mickey Mouse all the time. For awhile she would actually sit and watch but now she watches and wanders.

Caleb - We haven't gotten his yet. His will be a baby one for his first Christmas.

It's kind of sad that a lot of them are movie or show themed this year but accurate. While I was pregnant and while we in the hotel and apartment they watched A LOT of movies and TV. It feels so good to not be pregnant anymore and to have a house again. Their poor little brains can take start developing again :)
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1 comment:

Marissa said...

You're such a great mom always doing activities and developing their minds. I should feel more guilty for letting my kids watch as much tv as they do. It was nice in St. George when the weather was so much nicer to send them outside.