Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Princesses and Soccer


Tonight was a busy night..... Chik Fil A had a princess night and we definitely couldn't miss that!! So we went there to meet some princesses and have dinner. Maggie was pretty amazed that 'real' princesses were there while Jackson was logically telling us that those were people in costumes. They also had some girl video games to play and one of them was Wii dance game. Maggie and Hailey loved that - it was so funny to watch. There was also a carriage ride. We waited in a cold line to ride in the carriage. Once of the chik fil a workers brought out hot cocoa. The kids loved the very short ride. Then we went in and had ice cream :) At chik fil a you can trade the toy from the kids meal for ice cream - usually it's a book. Tonight we got books that we already have copies of so we traded them in. It was a very fun and very cheap night.

In between all of this we had to fit in a soccer game. It all went smoothly. Jackson was more into the game than he has been so far. He worked really hard at getting the ball and helping out his team. Maggie was singing and dancing on the sidelines. Hailey was log rolling all around us. We went and played on the toys for a little while too.

Then it was back to chik fil a to finish up any activities that we missed.

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