Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sadly, I have very few pics to add to this post. I wish I would have taken more but all hands were busy..... we had friends over for dinner and pumpkin carving last night despite the hurricane storm warning..... They have 6 kids so there was quite a lot to do! They live in our same neighborhood so we didn't have to worry about them traveling far. Although, the wind and rain was crazy as they headed out. We never lost power - I am grateful for that. We had taco soup that our friends brought over - very good stuff :) Carved lots of pumpkins (Matt helped out with the Dremel!) We also had some dry ice so we could make a fun potion as a drink. We just dropped some in a punch bowl of kool aid. The kids thought I was magic :) It really was pretty cool. If you want to try it, grocery stores often have it, you just have to ask for it. It's only a couple of dollars per pound. Get 1 lb for your drink and 1 lb for experiments!! Get it as close to using it as possible it really doesn't last long - even in the freezer. We had 4 lbs - we probably used 1 lb for drinks and the rest went in the freezer. By lunchtime the next day there was only 1/2 - 1 lb left to play with. I will post about that soon. After pumpkin carving and pumpkin seed roasting, I made some spiderweb snacks. Pretzel sticks with melted chocolate drizzled on them like spiderwebs. Very easy and turned out very cute. We added flameless candles to all the pumpkins and turned off the lights so the kids could admire them. So fun to see them amazed! Halloween is such a fun time of the year.

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