Wednesday, September 12, 2012



A few weeks ago we went to the coolest waterfall. It was like at outdoor waterpark! There were people everywhere. It was so fun being able to get in the water and slide around on the rocks. There were three waterfalls along this stretch of the river. At one of them you could jump off of a pretty high rock into a deep pool. Both Maggie and Jackson loved it. Hailey was too cold and pretty whiny by this point so she didn't want to try. Caleb might have if we gave him the option :) We will definitely have to go back to this one again. The hiking was beautiful.
Caleb is pointing to his head because a guy was fishing nearby and when he pulled in a small fish and tried to get it off the line it flipped around and bounced off Caleb's head as it escaped. He thought that was pretty awesome.
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