Monday, September 17, 2012

Sick boy

A few weeks ago Caleb started to get sick and he was having a pretty hard time breathing. I kept an eye on him all day and the nebulizer treatments we were giving him didn't seem to really be helping but he also didn't seem to be getting worse. We had a busy evening so we opted to have Matt stay home with Caleb while I took the other kids to the activities. First we had a back to school pool party. When we came home from that I thought Caleb was somewhat worse so I had Matt take him down to the instacare while I took the other kids to meet up with some friends that were visiting from out of town. He called to tell me that they were worried about his breathing and oxygen levels and  wanted him to take Caleb to the ER immediately! Yikes. There wasn't a lot I could do at that point so we stayed at the park and waited for another update. They weren't as worried about him in the ER but still wanted him to stay and be treated. One of our friends offered to let the kids come stay the night at their house so I could do what I needed to. That was very nice. I dropped them off and decided to try to take a nap since Caleb was doing just fine with Matt and I didn't want to rock the boat. Then  I could go and switch with Matt if Cale ended up being admited. It was touch and go for a little while whether or not they would admit him overnight (they didn't) but they stayed until about 11 pm.  They gave him breathing treatments and steroids to try to control his fast breathing and heartrate. In the end it was decided that he had the flu which brought on an asthma attack. That doesn't give me a whole lot of confidence for dealing with this in the future but I am very glad things didn't get any worse. Two days later he was back to his normal self.
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