Saturday, September 29, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Backyard play

The weather started to cool off around the beginning of September but there were still some hot days thrown in. We decided to take advantage of one of them and fill up the little pool in the backyard. They love having the little slide into it. That lasted for an hour or so and then they started to get bored so I added some dishsoap and we had a pool full of bubbles. Suddenly it was fun again and they played for another hour or so :)

Caleb is showing off his superhero moves. He loves Ironman, Superman, Batman and Spiderman. 
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Monday, September 17, 2012

Sick boy

A few weeks ago Caleb started to get sick and he was having a pretty hard time breathing. I kept an eye on him all day and the nebulizer treatments we were giving him didn't seem to really be helping but he also didn't seem to be getting worse. We had a busy evening so we opted to have Matt stay home with Caleb while I took the other kids to the activities. First we had a back to school pool party. When we came home from that I thought Caleb was somewhat worse so I had Matt take him down to the instacare while I took the other kids to meet up with some friends that were visiting from out of town. He called to tell me that they were worried about his breathing and oxygen levels and  wanted him to take Caleb to the ER immediately! Yikes. There wasn't a lot I could do at that point so we stayed at the park and waited for another update. They weren't as worried about him in the ER but still wanted him to stay and be treated. One of our friends offered to let the kids come stay the night at their house so I could do what I needed to. That was very nice. I dropped them off and decided to try to take a nap since Caleb was doing just fine with Matt and I didn't want to rock the boat. Then  I could go and switch with Matt if Cale ended up being admited. It was touch and go for a little while whether or not they would admit him overnight (they didn't) but they stayed until about 11 pm.  They gave him breathing treatments and steroids to try to control his fast breathing and heartrate. In the end it was decided that he had the flu which brought on an asthma attack. That doesn't give me a whole lot of confidence for dealing with this in the future but I am very glad things didn't get any worse. Two days later he was back to his normal self.
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Two years ago a new family moved in to our neighborhood. One of their little girls was in Maggie's class and they became fast friends. We have spent quite a bit of time with them over the last couple of years. Because of the Dad's job they move frequently so next month they are on to somewhere new. Their last name is True - so from the time I met them, I have had the quote from the board in my head. When I heard that they were moving I decided to make a going away present for them. It was pretty simple and I liked how it turned out :)
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Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Hailey has hit one of the best milestones EVER! She can swing all by herself. She was very, very proud of her accomplishment. She has been so close for awhile and the other day it just clicked. She is quite dressed up for the occassion too. Such a sweet, funny, charasmatic little one.
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A few weeks ago we went to the coolest waterfall. It was like at outdoor waterpark! There were people everywhere. It was so fun being able to get in the water and slide around on the rocks. There were three waterfalls along this stretch of the river. At one of them you could jump off of a pretty high rock into a deep pool. Both Maggie and Jackson loved it. Hailey was too cold and pretty whiny by this point so she didn't want to try. Caleb might have if we gave him the option :) We will definitely have to go back to this one again. The hiking was beautiful.
Caleb is pointing to his head because a guy was fishing nearby and when he pulled in a small fish and tried to get it off the line it flipped around and bounced off Caleb's head as it escaped. He thought that was pretty awesome.
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The weather has cooled off a little more so we have started to use our firepit. The kids LOVE it. The first time or two was a little crazy with kids wanting to play with fire.... luckily, that has worn off and the activity is a little less stressful :) The other night we made tin foil dinners in the firepit and ate them outside on the deck at our picnic table. Decks are awesome! Hopefully we get a lot of use out of it this fall. Next week we are going to do some dutch oven cooking. Oh, have I mentioned that it's great having the youngest be all the way to 2 years old already?!
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