Saturday, March 17, 2012

Big kids


Recently we have tried a few more older games with the bigger kids. They LOVE Monopoly, Life, Settlers of Catan and Solitaire of all things. Matt was playing a lot of Solitaire for a week or so and both the older kids were fascinated. So we taught them some games...... It led to some nice, peaceful evenings :) Of course, these games can only happen when Caleb is asleep - it helps A LOT if Hailey is asleep too! That's frustrating for the bigger kids who want to play them more often but it's fun to have them hit these milestones that once seemed so very, very far away.
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1 comment:

Luna said...

I wonder if Eli would enjoy that? Hmm... I'll have to try. Maybe I'll start Kiah on it!