Monday, June 21, 2010

Quick Caleb fix


Caleb has been a very easy baby so far..... he still sleeps a lot though so we won't get our hopes up too soon :) The only time he really gets upset is during diaper changes. That's where the pacifier came in. He would scream and scream when we changed him so about day 5 we tried a pacifier - it worked wonders. The boy loves his pacifier!! We didn't give the others a pacifier until closer to 2 weeks but Caleb is already an addict! He is getting more and more alert all the time. He slept so much at first that the other kids would get extremely excited whenever he actually opened his eyes. If you said he was awake they would come running to say hello and see his eyes. Very cute. All of them are doing really well with him. Even Hailey - she loves to hold him and look at him. The only time she gets upset is when she's getting tired and wants to be on my lap but Caleb is already there. The bigger two love to help burp him after he eats. They are so proud of themselves when it works.
Caleb can hold him head up fairly well at times too. I'm a little afraid of tummy time because of all the activity of the older kids. He's going to get squashed!! All of our baby stuff is in storage - swing, bouncy seat etc...... I tried to watch for it when they were unloading into the storage units but it was MIA. I did see the exersaucer so in a few months...... I just got a new rocker chair for him for now. He sleeps really well in it so we haven't used a different bed at all yet.
Matt's parents just left today after being here for three weeks. Now I have to do my own cooking, cleaning and laundry. Ugh!! How am I going to do that on top of 4 kids??!!


Dan, Jaya and the kids said...
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Dan, Jaya and the kids said...

just read you post on my blog. I am not good at following up yet, I'm afraid.
I love your little Caleb!! Congrats. He's super cute. I can't lie, I hope my little guy is less than 9lbs. I'm only 4 weeks away from my due date and I feel like I have an endless to-do list to get ready. We are getting there though. I'm trying to remember what things I need during those first 6 weeks. Congrats again!