Friday, July 17, 2009

First time for everything.....

and this is our first time dealing with STITCHES!(July 11th) We took my niece up to Yellowstone to meet up with her family last weekend - we met them at their campsite and within just a few minutes Jackson has climbed up on the firering. He tried to jump off, I think, and it wasn't set in the ground so it came up and hit his leg. It was obvious right away that he was going to need stiches. Matt set off with him for West Yellowstone (the nearest town) only to find that there was only a clinic there, and it had closed at 5. So he came back for the rest of us and we set out for home. We stopped off at the Rexburg ER for stiches along the way :) I had wanted to tour Rexburg since my first two years of college were there but the ER wasn't in the plans..... Oh well. We have managed. Now we just have to make it through the really hot days without playing in the water until he gets his stiches out. He was fine at the hospital until they started to do the stiches - he kept screaming bloody murder and yelling things like "I know you have a needle. What are you doing to me?", "I'm scared." "That's really scary. Stop what you're doing!!" They had mostly covered up his leg so he couldn't see what they were doing.


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1 comment:

Luna said...

That is really funny, what he was saying, not the stitches, or the inconvenience of trying to find a location for him to GET the stitches.