Thursday, March 12, 2009


So... Hailey can now climb the stairs like a pro. She is way too fast and gets herself into trouble in a heartbeat! After she fell down them once (good thing we have a split level - so she only fell down a few stairs) I hunted down the baby gate.... but it's a pain and gets in the way for Maggie and Jackson. Anyone have any ideas?

1 comment:

Chanda said...

Those gates are annoying on the stairs when you have other children. I am trying to remember how we did it with the twins, cause I know those gates didn't last long with Sam and Sophia trying to get up and down the stairs to use the bathroom and such. I know they took a few spills down the stairs but they are carpeted so....
We just taught them how to crawl/slide down on their stomachs feet first. They got so fast. They would just slide down so fast. It was crazy funny! Basically my ending thought is she is a quick learner so it will just take a little bit of time where you have to constantly be worried about it but before you know it, it won't be a problem. Wow, I sure am long winded!