Monday, March 23, 2009

Jackson - 5 :)

We had a good time with Jackson's party - notice the - ahem - pink firetruck cake..... We decided that we didn't want to use as much food coloring as it would take to make it red. Jackson was excited about a pink cake because he thinks it's unfair that Maggie gets the pink things all the time. Legos were definitely the present of choice - he got 4 sets! He spent the rest of the day putting them together and didn't want to play with the other kids..... hmmm. Maybe next time we should have him wait until things have quieted down. He's climbing up in the tree because that's where the Hancock's hid his present. He thought that was great.

A friend (thanks Marissa :) ) gave me this idea - so here a few interview questions from the mind of a 5 yr old Jackson:
What is your favorite movie right now?
Wall E

Describe your perfect day.
Summer. I could play and have on swimming clothes and get sprayed by the hose. (Yup, that pretty much describes summer - everyday - at our house)

Where would you like to go on vacation?
camping in the treehouse

What is something you like to do with your Mom?
Helping clean up and wash the dishes. (aww)

How do you know that Mom loves you?
Cause you have a heart.

What is something you like doing with your Dad?
I like all of us to go to Florida with him (Matt was in FL when I asked him these questions)

Favorite church song.
Book of Mormon Stories
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1 comment:

Luna said...

He sure is a Lego maniac. What a fun day. Nice job on the cake!