Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Holiday lights

Williard Bay - a campground near here - puts up a light display each year. You drive around the campground to see all the lights. The kids really enjoy it because we let them get out of their buckles and stick their heads out the window. There are also some funny displays.....

In this one they crash into the tree and get all hung up in the branches.....

This one says - Reindeer Flight School - as you can see he hasn't quite gotten the hang of it.

The kids love to look around and see if they can figure out the different groupings - which generally means 4-5 trips around the loop (much to Matt's dismay). They also had a couple of real reindeer that we got out to see but I didn't take any pictures of those. I should take a picture of the lights on our house..... although they are pretty sparse.
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