Monday, August 18, 2008


Well it's completely official - Matt has graduated with his master's!! At the last minute he decided to see if he could pull some strings so I could walk too (I didn't walk when I finished my Bachelor's in 2002) and it all worked out. They even hunted down a 2002 tassle for me :) Hailey was a great - we kept her with us when we walked and she slept the entire time. A friend came and watched Jackson and Maggie for us too. It really was neat to walk and acutally have something signify the end!! Woohoo :)


Marissa said...

You guys both look great in your caps and gowns. It is such an accomplishment to graduate and such an example for your kids of the importance of higher education.
Yay Matt! You finally did it!

Luna said...

Way to go you guys!