Sunday, June 22, 2014

Jackson is 10

So very hard to believe that we now have one in double digits. This kid gets the worst of us and the best of us as he trains us to be parents at each and every new milestone he hits. He handles it very well and is quite an awesome kiddo. He is still very creative - he loves to make stuff out of anything and everything he can find. He loves weapons of any kind, video games, riding bikes and playing with friends. We are lucky enough to have a boy his age right next door that he gets along very well with.

 One of the video games he loves is called Minecraft. You use different types of building blocks to make whatever you can think of. I found this cake idea online (I really should get better about taking note of the links to give credit where credit is due). It was pretty simple and looked cool. Those are my favorite kind :)

Jackson loved his cake. He also loved that we could invite family friends over. He is opening his electric scooter in the picture below. I thought he would love it since he goes all over the neighborhood to find friends to play with. He only uses it once in awhile.... but Caleb has become quite obsessed with it. Hmmm.

Helping hands......

 I don't think I have mentioned the salvage pile on here yet...... there is a wood salvage pile at our recycling center here that I have found all kinds of projects in..... The kids are helping me paint some beadboard picture frames. The beadboard came from the pile. Free stuff is so much fun to play with :) I was proud of myself for letting them help me paint..... it wasn't long before I started to regret it.

They got out their paints because 1. the white I was having them use was boring and 2. they wanted to make their own projects. I showed them how to put two different paints, one in each hand, then rub their hands together to make a new color. Apparently that alone is not exciting enough. Much more than their hands started to get painted.....

Just so you know - Human Torch is a superhero that turns into a flaming ball of fire as he flies around.


So little and so big at the same time. This guy is growing up so fast. He still loves superhero costumes and active, wild play but every once in awhile now you can find him building with legos or looking at books quietly. The batman make-up mask is courtesy of Maggie, I think :)


Wow. I really have some catching up to do. I still haven't figured out my posting from Picasa problems which makes blogging slightly less convenient. 
A good dose of homemade play-dough usually puts the arguing to rest for a little while :) We had a pretty good stash of fun play-dough stuff that seems to have been lost in the move..... I've started to restock a little with cookie cutters. It's a quick and fun activity that we don't do often enough.