Thursday, February 14, 2013


Jackson missed school for a full two weeks through the whole appedix deal so once he was home from the hospital we had to come up with some quiet activities to keep him busy. Surprisingly even he has a limit to how many video games and movies he can watch :)
I found this activity online. It also happened to be a late start day due to the weather so Maggie got to join in on the fun. You warm a plate up using hot water, the microwave or the oven. I used the oven but got the plates hotter than intended so I was a little worried about Caleb and Hailey but they were both very careful and did fine. You draw on the warm plater with crayon. It melts the crayon to make your design. The kids loved it. The plates I used were a little thin so they cooled off fairly quickly. I would just put it back in the oven for a minute or two and hand it back. The activity didn't last long since they colored the plates fairly quickly but activities like this tend to get their minds going so they head off to play afterwards. It wasn't too bad to wash it off with a scrubbie but I had to throw it away afterwards.......
Jackson and I spent quite a bit of time doing homework also. It's pretty boring to do a lot of worksheets :)
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