Tuesday, June 19, 2012

2 Caleb 2

Whew! The baby is not much of a baby anymore! It's so hard yet so fun to watch them grow up. I miss the ages they were but love the ages they are at. He LOVED that it was his birthday. We had decorated a little with streamers but he didn't catch on until we started singing happy birthday to him. He got all excited when he realized it and tried to blow out the candles right away. When we we were on vacation in TN last month he loved seeing the helicopters flying overhead all the time so I thought I would try to make him a helicopter cake. I searched around online but didn't find a good, simple design...... so, I came up with my own :) It turned out really well and was easy to do. Those are my favorites. He loved opening his presents. His eyes lit up when he pulled the blanket off of that little bike. He also got an umbrella (our kids love those), a bat and ball, an airplane set that came with a drill to take it apart and put it back together, and a paper guitar. This little guy is so fun and so full of personality. He is starting to talk a lot more. Well enough that I can understand him most of the time :) It will take a little while before most people catch on though. He loves to play ball of any kind, and loves balloons and nerf guns. One of the chores the kids can chose to do is play with Caleb for 15-20 min. Jackson will chose that one fairly often and does very, very well with Caleb. They both love it! He is still a Momma's boy and will cry/scream when I leave him behind. He gets over it fairly quickly now though :) He doesn't play all that well on his own because he wants to be with me all the time. If I disappear it only takes a minute before he starts to yell "Mom? You?" (Mom, where are you?) I will call back from whereever I am and he responds "Oh" and comes to find me. He runs, jumps on the trampoline, jumps off the diving board, climbs all over everything and when he wants something he just gets it himself...... snack, juice, scissors, markers..... yeah, it's not always a good thing.

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