Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Hailey has been an avid thumbsucker since she was about 3 months old. Recently we have tried to wean her from it. It isn't going well..... :) We tried bandaids at first. It worked for about two days. Then we tried the yucky tasting nail biting stuff. She stopped sucking her thumb.... and starting sucking her finger. So we put it on the thumb and finger..... she starting sucking her pinky. Then we put it on all her fingers and thumb...... now she just sucks it off quickly and keeps on sucking her finger. So apparently we successfully stopped the THUMBsucking and now have to figure out what to do about the finger. It is turning out to be quite a challenge. SO MUCH easier to wean from a pacifier!!
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1 comment:

Chanda said...

I think the twins were closer to 4 but we started by telling them no thumb sucking in certain places, like the table or in the car. Eventually what worked best was having them pay us a quarter out of their money if they did it. They would earn a quarter for doing certain chores and they did not want to part with it. They ended up having to pay us a few quarters each before it really worked. Good luck with finding Hailey's thumb sucking breaking point! Kiana was also a thumb sucker but luckily she stopped on her own before she was 1.