Monday, August 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Hailey!!


Hailey turned 3 on Aug. 1st. We went to Chuck E Cheese the Saturday before and then had a party for her on her birthday with just us. She loved it. We decorated the kitchen and made her cake..... she was very excited. Especially about her "unicorner" cake.
She is talking really well now but recently - in about the last two months - has started to stutter. She repeats a word over and over before finishing her sentence. Right now it's really kind of cute :) She loves to play with her siblings. She plays princess, dress-up and barbie with Maggie but she also plays legos, and digging in the sandbox/mud with Jackson. She has an excellent sense of humor and makes us laugh with funny expressions. She can recognize and name most colors and gets dressed herself. She is fully potty trained but wears a pull up at night because I still let her have a drink before going to sleep. Completely my fault and hopefully soon to be remedied :) She still takes a two hour nap almost everyday but is starting to go to bed later at night so that nap will probably phase out soon. She says that she is very 'drinky' when she means thirsty. She loves to help in the kitchen and with cleaning.
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