Monday, November 15, 2010

House warming.....



When I thought our house was going to close last week..... and I realized that Gurney's was almost done with their fall shipping - I went ahead and ordered some plants. The house didn't close and now the plants are just hanging out waiting for something. Who knows what that will be yet and if they will survive the wait. The little plant in the window is a dwarf lemon tree. My sister has one - they smell so good! I also ordered a magnolia tree, two hydrangeas, a lilac, some tulips and other bulb plants. Now I just need a place to plant them!! Patience is definitely not one of my strong suits.... Wish us luck for the house closing scheduled for this Wed.
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Dress Up


Costumes are a daily occurence around here. I collect as many as I find on sale, at Goodwill etc. The kids are constantly wearing something new. I think it's funny and I love to see their imaginations go crazy!!
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One tired boy


Eating solids and making a mess is HARD WORK. Tired boy. Why is it so incredibly cute when they fall asleep in funny places??!!
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Fashion at 4


I love this little girl!! You all know how not into fashion and clothes I am...... this little one is the complete opposite. She loves to dress up and plan her outfits. Oh, and accessorize! She is going to need the walk-in closet - not me :) I love that they all have such different personalities. It makes life very interesting and sometimes challenging. You would think you would have experience in parenting with 4 kids but when they are so different then the same parenting style just doesn't work. This raising kids thing is TOUGH!! but I love it.
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Here is a picture of the little three. Maggie is 4 1/2, Hailey is 2 + 3mo, Caleb is 5 mo. They are growing up so fast. Somedays feel like they last forever and this intense child raising time will never end and other days I feel like it will be over so fast and I know I will miss it.
Remember how I said we haven't had a high chair since Jackson was a baby?..... Well, only a few days after that Matt came in and said "there's a high chair in the dumpster......" Hmm. To do or not to do........... Obviously since you can see the high chair in the background of this picture you know I chose to DO. I have a really hard time passing up FREE!! It cleaned up great and we are trying out a high chair again. It's nice to have somewhere to put Caleb to feed him real food and with a large kitchen in the new house it shouldn't get in the way. Which has always been my complaint with high chairs in the past.
Our house is scheduled to close on Wed. This is the 4th closing we have had scheduled. I think this will be it. Hopefully there are not anymore surprise delays in store for us. We have been so anxious to move. We put in the offer on this house 11 weeks ago!!
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Saturday, November 6, 2010

almost sitting


See? Caleb loves crazy boots too! He is almost sitting up by himself now. He can do it for short periods of time but still falls over at random...... Maggie was taking pictures, trying to get a good one of him while I stayed there to catch him if he fell over. She thought it was so funny that she got a picture of him falling over. She was also very excited that I let her use my camera. That doesn't happen very often despite multiple begging children.
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I have been trying to remember to get a picture of Maggie getting off the bus. I finally remembered and this was the face I got that day. She was so sad because her class didn't get to have recess that day. She loved school - and recess apparently :)
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Kids love boots. At least my kids love boots! Gram brought some GIRAFFE rain boots for Hailey. The other kiddos are jealous. Jackson had bumblebee boots for awhile. He wore them constantly and so many people commented on them - he loved the attention. Fancy boots are the best. Maybe it's genetic....... I have rain boots with red cherries all over them.
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Pirate Party


Chik Fil A activities are always fun :) This time is was pirate night. They got balloon swords, face paintings, and pirate patches. I like Maggie's mustache.
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Jackson put these glasses on Caleb - he thought it was the funniest thing. He said Caleb looked like Harry Potter. I love that they are brothers :) Hopefully they feel the same way as they grow up together.....
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Halloween dessert


We made these candy corn desserts on Halloween night. It's butterscotch and banana pudding with whipped cream on top. I love to make food that matches the holiday :) This was as ambitous as I got this year for Halloween. The kids loved it. Mostly because they got to spray whipped cream out of a can. Since we get that maybe once a year it was completely novel for them. They wanted it on pretty much everything they ate for the next two days.

Matt and Caleb


I love pictures of Matt with the babies. Notice the chocolate bar and peanut butter in Matt's hand :) A man after my own heart....... Matt is great with the kiddos. Expecially the babies. I love it!!
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Trick or Treating 2010



These are pictures from Saturday night before Halloween. We didn't want to trick or treat on Sunday so a few families from church all agreed to do Sat. night so this is the kids all set to go and then at the door of our Bishop's house. They loved trick or treating. Of course what kid doesn't - free candy. Hailey kept getting sad though. Since we were going to houses of our friends Hailey kept wanting to stay and play. She didn't want the candy she wanted to go in and play. She kept getting mad that we would leave so soon. Poor girl.
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Caleb starts solids



A week or so ago we started Caleb on solids. He absolutely LOVES it. He opens his mouth and takes it all in. He is the cleanest eater that we've had (or maybe I've just gotten more experienced)! Sometimes I try to nurse him and he gets mad because he wants solids instead. Funny boy. Maggie loves to help feed him too. We haven't had a high chair since Jackson was a baby. We didn't have room in our Brigham City house because the dining area was tiny. So we used the chairs that hooked onto the table.
We have started them on sippy cups at the same time as solids. Caleb does really well with his cup. He's only had water so far. We will have to see what he thinks of other things as time goes.
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