Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Snow day


We got some snow on the last day of September. It was only just the day after the fire hydrant. Funny how the weather changes so drastically this time of year. I haven't pulled out their snow clothes yet so it was kind of difficult to get them warm enough to be out in it. Hailey was kind of amazed and loved it until her hands got really cold. It just made enough to cover the trampoline. It was a great introduction to snow. The weather has been fairly warm ever since though.


Chanda said...

SNOW! That is so great, haha. Glad it warmed up so you could have a little more time before it really comes. It has been great here this year. Still in the upper 60's/low 70's in the afternoon, but it will end.

Luna said...

It is crazy how the weather changed! Your kids might get confused on how the seasons work!