Monday, August 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Hailey!!


Hailey's bday was on Saturday so we had a party with some family and friends. I can't believe that she is 1 already. This past year has gone by so fast. She loved eating her cupcake and opening presents. She walks all over the place and gets into everything. She loves dogs - so we decided to do a dog cake and even get her a toy dog for a present. She woofs and takes off for it whenever she sees a dog. It's a little nerve wracking since some dogs don't like to be loved on so much.
It always amazes me how so much personality is packed into such a little body. She has wants and opinions that she is not against sharing. It's also neat how perfectly she fits into our family. She is right there in the thick of things with her siblings. They are going to be quite the handful as they get older - although they are definitely a handful now.....
Hailey only has very slight stranger anxiety - much like Jackson - so she wanders and takes off whenever we go somewhere. She loves to be on the go and doesn't stay close to me at all. She will let most people pick her up for a little while then she wants down to be off exploring again. As much as I love the independence and trust that they show I wouldn't mind her having a comfort bubble of say, 15 ft or so! :)She loves to be outside - whenever she is grumpy in the house all we need to do is go outside and she will be happy for hours. Sandbox, swings, slide, trampoline - she loves it all and wanders back and forth doing everything in our backyard. She will climb the ladder for our playset and go down the slide by herself. She screams when Maggie or Jackson take something away from her or won't give her something that she wants. She can climb up onto the couch on her sometimes - which has led to another level of babyproofing.... She is finally sleeping fairly well in her crib but is still mostly a night owl - prefering to go to bed around 9 or 10 pm. This last week she has finally started to fit in some earlier bedtimes which I greatly appreciate. She loves to eat pineapple and string cheese but doesn't like pancakes or bananas. She loves shoes and will bring different ones to me to try on until she has on a pair that she likes - then she will wear those ones around. She doesn't really talk at all but knows how to get her needs met quite well. I will have to add more as I remember what this cute 1 yr old is up too!
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Luna said...

Happy Birthday! You sure sound like you are keeping your mama active!

Chanda said...

Happy late b-day to Hailey. She is so cute and has a great personality. Kiana doesn't like bananas either. It is a staple at breakfast around here so I wish she liked them.